Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spencer Lee: An Amazing Morning With OUR SON!

WE'RE HAVING A BOY!!! And boys love their mothers.

It's so good to meet you, Spencer Lee! My nephew has a friend named Something-or-Other Spencer and they call him "Spence Baby". It always made me laugh and the name really grew on me...on US. Especially after I put the big HELL NO on Rex and Crew, as suggested by Todd. And Lee is my father's middle name. My stepson has Todd's dad's middle name so we're continuing honoring the grandfathers! Spencer Lee!!

And even though the scan hadn't been read by a doctor yet, our ultrasound tech had no problem telling us that everything looked GREAT. No obvious birth defects, no cleft pallet, all the limbs, hands and feet in place. Yeah, she gave us that gold star I was looking for (though I still want to hear it from our doc) and I couldn't be happier. I fell head-over-heels in love with him the second she declared it was a boy...which I knew because I could clearly see his junk loud and clear on the screen. But I knew deep down anyway.

And despite him being a boy and having a wiener, he is ALL ME (despite having his father's button nose and not my beak). He clearly has my chin, he was all burrowed into my back and curled up tight and then was flailing wildly like a maniac, AND he put on a total show by giving a "thumb's up", pretended to chug a frosty brew, sucking his thumb, AND a putting out a perfect open palm, ready for a HIGH FIVE!

It was awesomw!! Then he turned and looked at us with his alien face! I'll admit it.

But he's adorable and perfect and, according to the tech, already has HAIR. I LOVE HAIR!

I can't believe that we're having a boy. I'm so happy. I would've been happy either way but both Todd and I's SO real now. He's in there. My little monster is a BOY. Now when we talk about him (HIM! SWOON!), it's all, "Spencer has been wriggling like crazy today!". Stuff like that. And now that we know, of course, I can't WAIT FOR HIM TO GET HERE!! My niece sent me a little Facebook message telling me how she can't wait to meet her knew cousin and what a good time he'll have in this family. All our our friends are going bananas. I want him to get here!!!! And he's scheduled to TWO DAYS EARLIER!

The new due date is August 18th. The happiest day of my life, no flipping doubt!

Spencer Lee....swoon...

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